The adherence to good corporate governance differentiates good Public Listed Companies (PLCs) from mediocre ones. Stakeholders today want regular and timely access to market information, and with ShareInvestor expertise and a full suite of tools and services, we are well-positioned to help PLCs adhere to good investor relations practices.
Online IR
Online IR
We are the leading IR service provider in the region and service over 700 PLCs across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Australia.
Online IR
We have expertise and technology to design, maintain and update IR websites
Our direct connection to the various exchanges ensures fast and error-free update of data into IR websites
Our automated task manager, coupled with a well-documented IR workflow, ensures all necessary tasks are allocated, tracked and reviewed
Online IR
We use webcasting technology to help our clients reach out to their shareholders, investors and analysts during:
Annual General Meetings
Extraordinary General Meetings
Financial Results Updates
Online IR
We have a dedicated team comprising of local account serving and delivery teams.
Online IR
We have diverse distribution channels to disseminate IR-related information
Local and overseas online channels
Various media platforms through Singapore Press Holdings
Email newsletters